Does My Foundation Need Repair?

If there is a problem with the foundation of your building, it becomes evident in various ways. You need to be able to recognize these signs and symptoms in order to take immediate action. So, if you are asking yourself “does my foundation need repair”, check out for the signs that indicate problems.

Uneven floors

One of the most common signs of a damaged foundation is uneven floors. If you can see undulations in the floor or see the slope being distorted, you need to look into the matter immediately. One of the checks for this is to drop a ball or pour a glass of water on the floor.

Check the direction of its flow. If it does not follow the original natural slope on the floor, there is a good chance that the foundation has undergone uneven settlements. If you are unsure, consult a foundation repair expert and ask him “does my foundation need repair”.


Cracks in walls and floors usually indicate a problem with the foundation. Cracks can be of different types, such as vertical slits, horizontal cracks and zig-zag cracks. Such structural damage usually takes place when the foundation moves. So, it needs to be repaired and stabilized.

Doors and windows don’t fit in the frames

When foundations move, doors and windows don’t fit in the frames properly. You can see gaps in some corner or edge of these wall openings. This could happen because the gradient of the floor undergoes a change when the foundation settles or swells. In such a situation, if you’re asking yourself “does my foundation need repair”, it surely does.

Bowed walls

If you see bowed walls, hire a foundation repair service immediately. Bowed walls indicate serious structural issues with the foundation. The problem could be caused because of poor drainage in the foundation, sudden water logging and improper grading.

When the soil around the foundation absorbs water, it expands and applies hydrostatic pressure on the wall. If this pressure is applied constantly, the foundation begins to get damaged. This damage becomes evident in the form of bowed walls.

Sunken floor

Another common indication of damaged foundation is a sunken floor. You can see this problem around the borders of your building in the form of gaps between the wall and floor. This little gap is the depth though which the floor sank because of foundation damage.

Sunken floors are almost always accompanied by cracks in the floors and walls. If you find this damage, the answer to “does my foundation need repair” is a big “yes”.

These are just some of the indications that answer your question, “does my foundation need repair”. If these signs are evident, your foundation definitely requires repair.


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